Jimmy Was A No-Show

In 1973, my Uncle David staged a grand, gay wedding in middle America. His groom, Jimmy, was a no-show.


“You always end up with your own kind. Bluebirds with bluebirds. Blackbirds with blackbirds.”

— Uncle Doug —

“For his wedding to…what was that man’s name? Jimmy. His name was Jimmy. David made us bridesmaids’ gowns out of blue velour on an old sewing machine.”

— My Mom —

“David couldn’t really sew. He was able to do alterations — hem his own pants and put on a button. You wouldn’t need a machine for that, just needle and thread. And I made those velour bridesmaids’ gowns. They were royal blue with white lace under the bodice. I stayed up all night finishing them dresses and they were hideous. I made them for his wedding to Cookie.”

— Aunt Denise —

“David had two weddings.”

— Uncle Doug —

“Y’all keep talking about this first wedding, but I don’t remember it.”

— Aunt Denise —

“Denise didn’t show up to the first one. Nobody in the family did, except me and Debbie. He invited them, though.”

— My Mom —

“I remember him putting on the dress. His lipstick was all crooked and shit.”

— Uncle Doug —